A Chinese Canadian man about sixty five with grey hair jumps out of the van, walks to the bush ushering by a flash light at midnight. Before he approaches to the suspect possibly hiding in the bush, he radios to the Dispatch.
"Mike one to Dispatch"
"Go ahead"
"Can you keep eye on me next to the south pass gate in a bush. There is a couple doing some suspicious activities."
He holds a flash light in his right hand and walks into the bush. He sees two individuals drinking alcohol hiding in the bush. The sketchy man come closer and says" how is going on?"
"Are you guys doing okay", China man sounds like a police officer than a Security guard.
"We are great. My partner wants little rest. We will fuck off this place soon," he rolls his eyeballs, clears his throat and spits on the ground.
" You guys have to go now", says China man.
"Mike one from Dispatch"
"Go ahead".
" Can you give me more information what is going on?"
" They look okay. I asked them to leave the property. They said they will."
" 10-04. I have them in my camera now. I will let you know if any thing comes out."
China man is known as Mike one. Mike one is his call sign on the duty. Everyone in the building knows him by his call sign rather than his real name.
"Mike one to Dispatch"
"Go ahead"
" I am resuming my ground patrol."
China man listens classic music in the FM. He stops by the Rolax South VIP overhead door, opens the door and keeps it wide, takes a cigarette from the packet and in a while puffs circles over his head.
"Mike one to Dispatch"
"Go ahead".
" Can you put camera on the man behind Hall A inside the recycle bin".
Mike one stops his van close to the bin, lowers the window screen and looks at the man.
The sketchy man comes out of the bin with torrents of flies in his body carrying a sackful of recycles. He puts his sack on the ground and looks at the china man without any reaction as if he knows the china man will not take his sack away. That is it.
"Howz going on boss"?, he smiles. " Today my girl friend has appointment in the hospital. Whole lot of shit is happening in her life".
China man has no clue what he is talking about. He knows that these sketchy people have a way to be friendly.
"You got the whole lot of stuff today. Don't make a mess around. I am okay with you." China man says.
"Mike one to Dispatch"
"Go ahead".
" The guy in the bin is regular. He is warned not to make a mess. He should be okay"
Then China man drives to the Macdonalds drive thru, buys a large coffee with double cream one suger.
He used to drink triple triple while working as a police officer in the counties. Recently, the family doctor asked him to cut the sugar as the sugar level was high in his blood.
Holding the cup in his right hand, he exits to 145 Ave rode and drive to the westbound. Every night, after midnight he goes out of the property for five to ten minutes which he calls "hookers tour".
There are sketchy girls on the sideways of 125st in between 112 Ave to 118 ave. They are called hookers since they are not the professional sex traders. What they were doing was not legal. But the China man knows them very well. He often says, " hookers are like cockroaches, they appear and disappear right a way."
"Seven eleven on 118 Ave 81 st is what he named a "Hooker Headquarter".
After the hooker tour, he goes back to the old Squad Office, grabs chair from the locksmith's desk and rests buttocks on it and then whole body. After a while he starts snoring.
" Mike one from Dispatch".
"Dispatch to Mike one", voice raises little louder.He picks up the microphone and presses, " Go Ahead".
" I see two individuals hanging around the shipping and receiving. Can you please go and check whats going on".
He drives to the shipping and receiving, stops the van at hundred meter distance and watches the activities of them.
"Dispatch from Mike one"
"Go ahead"
" I got eye on the male and female in the bush by the game day door. They look okay".
Then he heads towards the strip club, parks next to it and watches the stripers who come out bare leg for smoking. He lights another cigarettes and watches the legs through the swirls of the smoke fume.
After a while he decides to go for interior building patrol. He radios Dispatch, mounts on the T3 wheeler and drives through all the halls and gallery.
When he enters the washroom to take pee, he notices a syringe with blood stain on the floor. He radios Dispatch, " Mike one to Dispatch".
"Go ahead".
" I have found a syringe in the hall echo washroom which looks like recently used. I am going to put the gloves and dispose in the container. Can you please give me 10-27".
He puts the gloves, picks the syringes, puts into the plastic container and stores in the storage box.
He looks at the time in his mobile. It is already 0530hrs. He types narratives in the perspective file hurriedly. Morning crew are already in and changing the uniform.
" Is there anything to pass over", an oversized officer with a crooked nose and vulture eye asks without any facial expression.
"Fuck all happened".
China man takes off his duty belt, throws in his locker and books off the shift.
He walks towards his car lazily.