Dorna; A Selfish Icon of Guru
गुरूर्ब्रह्मा गुरूर्विष्णु
गुरुः साक्षात
Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha
Meaning: Guru is verily the representative of
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds
of ignorance. I salute such a Guru.
This above mantra really glorifies the Teachers Day
and this is our culture- purely eastern culture. However, I’m not satisfied
with such clichés. Let me trace out the myths.
According to the Mahabharat, one day, Pandavas are
out hunting, and their dog wanders off and comes upon Ekalavya. The dog starts
barking and to shut him up Eklavya shoots seven arrows around his mouth and
zips it up. The dog is not hurt and returns whimpering to the Pandavas. They
are amazed at this extraordinary feat. Eklavya informs them innocently that he
is Dorna’s pupil. Arjun, Dorna’s star student, is shocked to hear that his
teacher has a secret pupil, who might pose a challenge to him.
Dorna is just as puzzeled when he hears this and
goes to see his invisible pupil, who is honored and delighted to see his
‘If you are my pupil, then you will have to pay me
my teacher’s fee,’ says Dorna.
‘Command me, my guru,’ says Ekalavya. There is
nothing I shall not give my guru.’
‘Give me your right thumb,’ commands Dorna.
Eklavya keeps his promise, cuts off his thumb and
gives it to his supposed teacher. Arjun is relieved.
We are horrified at Dorna’s command which imprints
an image of ruthless teacher forever in our eyes.
Eklavya’s foolish act has been glorified as an icon
of a good student. The Mahabharata has so many references of the teacher
student relationship. When Arjuna is in the war against Kauravas, he hesitates
to fight against of his teacher and relatives. But Krishna, tactfully persuades
him by giving long speech of eternity.
While tracing back to the Upanisads and Purans, we
can find several examples of selfish relationship between the teacher and the
student. So, today, we have commoditized this relation on the same base. There
are only few people who truly respect his/her teachers. If Dorna type teachers
exist in our society, Krishna’s suggestion to Arjun in the battlefield is cent
percent pragmatic.
We people are selfish by nature; you and me, all. We
are often guided by sinister desire. It is the desire to be honored, to be
loved, to be respected, to be profited and many more. When we see obstacles on
the way of fulfilling such desires, we don’t see any bond as such. Here, I
don’t mean to disrespect my teachers or, the students. But it is the fact that
the teacher student relation itself is give and take relation and in such
relation bond becomes commodity.
They say, “A guru is he who changes the life with
his knowledge.” I agree with this. There are many gurus in our life who
directly and indirectly involve in changing our life. No one can success alone.
Behind everyone’s success there is a queue of people who have worked as
scaffolding. They are all our gurus and we must respect them.
Dorna is selfish icon of guru who asks the thumb of
Eklavya to make his pupil Arjun victorious since he has given his words to all.
He gets scared with Eklavya’s skill on arrow shooting. On the one hand, he
denies teaching Eklavya due to his lower caste; and on the other hand he asks
for his thumb. What can be so devilish act than this which we are worshipping
as Guru. It’s time to change our perspective on the word Guru. A beggar, a
tinker, a musketeer can be guru in different situations. Parents can’t be guru
only by giving birth of children. They should fulfill minimum responsibility of
parenthood. In place of parents, children can be a guru of their parents. We
should break the statues of generalization. A student can be a guru for his
teacher. A true reciprocity must be
there in between teacher and the students. Teachers are selling their ideas,
skills and knowledge and the students are buying them in the skyrocketing
prices. Therefore, after buying and selling, there is no bond at all. It’s a
straightforward matter between teachers and the students as it is in between
the dealer and the customer.
Anyway, modern technology has not only isolated the
people from human relation, it sometimes helped to bring people together. On
this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, many students have used the wall of
Facebook to remember their teachers. Besides, there might be phone calls, sms,
emails twits, skypes etc. thanks to this technology. It sometimes sucks and
sometimes rocks. It rocks today. Thanks to all my students.
In my life, there are many gurus who have really
inspired, taught and pushed me ahead on my journey. I, heartily, salute them.